Advanced e-assessment techniques

WCAL has published examples of advanced e-assessment techniques. This research was funded jointly with JISC. The aim of the 'Review of Advanced e-Assessment Techniques' project was to provide a review of state-of-the-art techniques in e-assessment which should be considered for application in assessment. The study was designed to build a significant body of information about who is using different techniques, the associated issues and the benefits of advanced e-assessments.

The objectives of the study were:

  • To develop a picture of the breadth of advanced e-assessment techniques in use predominantly in higher education around the world, and undertake a technical and educational evaluation of a selection of the most promising
  • To present short case studies describing the technical, educational and operational details of a selection of the most significant examples
  • To look at wider generic technologies and investigate how and when these might be applied to e-assessment
  • To draw conclusions about how the most relevant of these could be applied


The following reports have been published:

asTTle - Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (PDF 1,129k)
This provides a review of asTTle, assessment software used by schools in New Zealand which provides teachers with the flexibility to select items into a test which closely matches the needs of the classroom.


Primum Computer-Based Case Simulations (PDF 1,027k)
Primum is software which assesses the abilities of medical students to provide an accurate diagnosis in real-to-life conditions, and is a rare example of assessment of higher order thinking skills.


Human Computer Collaborative marking (PDF 953k)
This report provides an overview of a marking system designed to use both expert human markers (for complex items) and automated computer marking (for more objective item types).


Automatic scoring of foreign language textual and spoken response (PDF 1,054k)
This report reviews automated scoring of foreign language text at the University of Kent and spoken response assessments provided by Pearson Versant.


Short Answer Marking Engines (PDF 1,094k)
This report reviews the state-of-the-art in marking short, textual responses.


Report on Advanced e-Assessment Techniques (PDF 812k)
This provides a summary of the Review of Advanced e-Assessment Techniques project.


Definitions of Techniques (PDF 581k)
This provides a list and associated definitions of a range of advanced e-assessment techniques.



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